Jordan and the Nagoya Protocol

Jordan signed the Nagoya Protocol the tenth of January 2012. The instrument for ratification was accepted twelve October 2014 when the Protocol came into force. The Section Nagoya Protocol gives more information on the implementation of the Protocol.


Folder Natural Reserves and National Parks Regulations

Regulations No. (29) of 2005 Natural Reserves and National Parks Regulations 
Issued by Virtue of Sub-paragraph 6 of Paragraph A of Article 23 of the 
Environmental Protection Law No. (1) of 2003 


Article 1


These Regulations shall be cited as the Natural Reserves and National Parks Regulations of 2005, and shall be effective as of the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 2

A. The following terms and expressions wherever appearing herein, shall have the meanings assigned to them hereunder unless the context provides otherwise: 

The Ministry The Ministry of the Environment.
The Minister The Minister of the Environment.
Secretary General The Secretary General of the Ministry.
Natural Reserve An area of land, sea or water surface that contains ecosystems and special natural sanctuaries, and in which unique creatures live, and which is designated a natural reserve by decision of the Council of Ministers.
National Park An area of land, water, coasts, oases, forests or archaeological locations designated a national park by decision of the Council of Ministers.
Protected Land Any land designated as protected by decision of the Council of Ministers.
Area of Special Protection An area containing a special ecosystem or wildlife threatened with extinction, and needing special protection to ensure the preservation of the ecosystems and wildlife. 
Specialized Entity A person who establishes or manages a National Reserve or a National Park by decision of the Council of Ministers, based on the recommendation of the Minister.


B. The definitions of the terms appearing in the Environmental Protection Law in force shall apply herein.


Article 3

A. The Specialized Entity shall submit an application to the Ministry requesting the establishment or management of a Natural Reserve or National Park, and shall attach thereto a study that includes the following: 

1. The purpose of the establishment of the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
2. The area and boundaries of the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
3. The rights of the citizens in and around the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
4. A site plan for the location showing the titles and uses of the lands surrounding the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
5. A preliminary study of the flora and fauna and the ecosystem of the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
6. A preliminary geological and hydrological study of the archaeological sites therein, if any. 
7. A preliminary geological and hydrological study of the site. 
8. An identification of the effects of establishing the Natural Reserve or National Park on the surrounding lands. 
9. An economic and social study of the region of the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
10. Protection measures and the manner of exercise and specifications thereof. 
11. Any other data or studies requested by the Minister if the nature of the area so requires. 

B. A technical committee shall be formed by decision of the Minister that will review the application related to the establishment and management of a Natural Reserve or National Park, and it shall present its recommendations to the Minister to take the appropriate decision in its regard.


Article 4

The boundaries of a Natural Reserve or National Park shall be amended by decision of the Council of Ministers upon the recommendation of the Minister on the basis of the recommendation of the technical committee referred to in Paragraph B of Article 3 hereof, in accordance with the study submitted by the Specialized Entity to the Ministry.


Article 5

A. The Specialized Entity shall set a detailed management plan for the Natural Reserve or National Park within a period not exceeding one and one-half years from the date that the Natural Reserve or National Park is so designated by the Council of Ministers. The plan shall be submitted to the Ministry to issue the appropriate decision in its regard within a period not exceeding 3 months. In the event that the management plan is approved, the Specialized Entity shall become responsible for the implementation thereof. 

B. The management plan submitted to the Ministry must include the following:
1. A detailed description of the location of the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
2. An assessment of the components of the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
3. Setting the objectives of the location’s management and the implementation procedures therefor. 
4. Preparing the estimated budget for the management plan and sources of funding available. 
5. Land use within and surrounding the Natural Reserve or National Park. 
6. Regulating grazing. 
7. Regulating environmental tourism. 
8. Rules for the use of the Natural Reserve or National Park and local community participation.


Article 6

The Ministry, in coordination with the parties concerned, shall recommend to any relevant party to purchase, lease or appropriate the lands owned within the borders of the Natural Reserve or National Park. Otherwise the owners of these lands shall have the right to use their lands in a manner not in conflict with the protection objectives and the management plan of the Natural Reserve or National Park.


Article 7

Issues concerning service revenue received from the Natural Reserves or National Parks and the relevant procedures and methods for keeping and spending such revenue shall be set in accordance with instructions issued by the Minister.


Article 8

Subject to the provisions of any other legislation, the Minister may designate any location as a sanctuary for rare flora or fauna, or a place whose nature is beautiful, irrespective of its area, and designate it as an Area of Special Protection, provided that matters related to its protection and management shall regulated by instructions issued by the Minister for that purpose.


Article 9

Subject to the provisions of any other legislation, no person is permitted to carry out any activities within the boundaries of the Natural Reserve or National Park including the exploitation of the natural resources thereof, without the approval of the Specialized Entity managing the Natural Reserve or National Park, and in accordance with bases and conditions set pursuant to instructions issued by the Minister for this purpose.


Article 10

The Minister shall issue the instructions necessary for the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations including the bases and conditions for the establishment, management, monitoring and all relevant aspects of Natural Reserves and National Parks.