Jordan and the Nagoya Protocol
Jordan signed the Nagoya Protocol the tenth of January 2012. The instrument for ratification was accepted twelve October 2014 when the Protocol came into force. The Section Nagoya Protocol gives more information on the implementation of the Protocol.
The BITS project is a GEF/UNDP project executed jointly by a number of national institutions namely, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MoTA), the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MoMA), the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority (PDTRA), and the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA). The project is further coordinated with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) and the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv).
The overall objective of the project is to make the consideration of biodiversity a fundamental part of everyday planning and development for tourism in Jordan. More specifically, the Project Objective is: Biodiversity conservation objectives are effectively mainstreamed and advanced into and through tourism sector development in Jordan
The project comprises three fundamental results respectively addressing: the legal and institutional frameworks, the institutional capacity building, and the management effective of the target protected areas, as follows:
Outcome 1: Regulatory and enforcement framework in place to avoid, reduce, mitigate and offset adverse impacts of tourism on biodiversity. (National level)
Outcome 2: Institutional capacities for planning, monitoring and enforcement strengthened in Jarash, Petra and Wadi Rum landscapes so as to manage the impacts of tourism development on biodiversity within ecologically valuable and sensitive areas. (Landscape level)
Outcome 3: Improved management effectiveness particularly in revenue generation, tourism planning and management, and community relations in Dibeen, Wadi Rum and Petra Protected Areas.