Jordan and the Nagoya Protocol

Jordan signed the Nagoya Protocol the tenth of January 2012. The instrument for ratification was accepted twelve October 2014 when the Protocol came into force. The Section Nagoya Protocol gives more information on the implementation of the Protocol.


PDF ABS is genetic resources for sustainable development

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Upload date 30 Dec 2018
Contributor Mohammad Abumughli
Geographical coverage Global, Jordan
Keywords ABS, genetic, resources, Nagoya
Release date 30/12/2018
All versions
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1 UNDP-WEB-Publication-ABS-is-GR-for-SD_compressed.pdf (current) Mohammad Abumughli 30 Dec 2018 34 MB application/pdf

highlights how 27 countries from Africa (6), Arab States (2), Asia (7), Central and Eastern Europe (2), Central America and The Caribbean (8) and Pacific Islands (2) are “investing in biodiversity for people and planet”.

Assisted by the UNDP GEF Global ABS Project, these countries have articulated in writing very impressive cases of how they are exploring and harnessing the research, commercial and socio-economic benefits of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in compliance to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol.