Jordan and the Nagoya Protocol

Jordan signed the Nagoya Protocol the tenth of January 2012. The instrument for ratification was accepted twelve October 2014 when the Protocol came into force. The Section Nagoya Protocol gives more information on the implementation of the Protocol.


Folder Biodiversity in Jordan

Jordan is characterized by a wide range of physical conditions and by a rich variety of flora and fauna. Its location at the crossroads of climatic and botanic regions endows the country with a rich variety of plant and animal life including some 152 families of vascular plants recorded in Jordan, including more than 2,500 plant species, plus several hundreds species of non-vascular cryptograms. Several taxa of these have agro-ecological value and are regarded as of great regional and global use.

The Rift Valley is a major migration route that raptors and other birds use to migrate between Africa and Europe in spring and autumn. On the other hand, the Eastern Desert which covers more than 75% of the total surface area of the country is a place where several species are present especially reptiles and small mammals that are used to the dry and harsh conditions of these habitats.

The variation in ecosystems and habitats has led to a wide biodiversity. A total of 77 species of mammals belonging to seven orders have been recorded so far. The Jordanian herpetofauna consists of 102 species. The majority of it, is not critically endangered even though about 14 species are relatively rare, 2-4 species might be already extinct and a few species are probably critically endangered.

The 411 bird species recorded in Jordan belong to 58 families. The Avifauna of Jordan is one of the best-studied groups due to Jordan’s location on the migration route for birds. The invertebrate faunas of Jordan are unique in many aspects since its composition is a mixture of several faunal origins but due to lack of comprehensive research on invertebrates in Jordan, the exact number of species is unknown. A total of 13 orders and 116 families were only recorded in Jordan so far.

A greater diversity of species means a better potential for significant medical and agricultural developments, as well as possible solutions to such environmental problems as climate change, water pollution and treatment of hazardous materials. In light of significant reductions in biological diversity worldwide, it is vital to anticipate, prevent and tackle the causes of this loss.

Jordan’s Strategy relates both to habitats and to key species such as endangered species, endemic species, species of international importance and Red Book species. Indicators for implementation are being designated for both habitats and species.

Folder Current Measures and Program for Conservation
Folder Important bird Areas
Folder Key Biodiversity Areas
Folder Protected Areas
Folder Species Diversity
Folder The Main Jordanian Ecosystems
Folder The value of biodiversity
Folder Threats to biodiversity
Folder Wetlands of Jordan
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